Peer Review Process

The articles published by the Indonesian Journal of Civil Engineering Study (IJCES) have been peer-reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers per article. The decision whether the articles are accepted for publication is determined by the editor based on comments by reviewers. The reviewer does not know the author and the author does not know the reviewer (double-blind review).

Peer review process/ policy:
  1. The author sends the manuscript on the editorial team to do the selection of script writing that has been determined based on the selection criteria script (Accepted / Denied). Note: If the script are rejected it will be sent back to the author so that the manuscript is corrected in accordance with the selection criteria of the manuscript. If it still does not match then the script is rejected.
  2. The manuscript which has been received through the editor team in accordance with the selection criteria of the manuscript, will be sent to a minimum of 2 jury teams (as a Reviewer with expert criteria in their specific science, willing to provide time to check the manuscript to be reviewed within 3 weeks) that have been determined by the editor team according to their area of expertise. The time of delivery for the review process conducted by the jury are 3 weeks.
  3. The results of reviews that have been performed by a senior jury team (have reviewed for the manuscript for more than 1 year) or junior (have reviewed less than 1 year) will be sent to the editor team. The results submitted to the editor team will be either a major revision or a minor revision. Note: Information on major and minor revisions will be attached when the jury send the manuscript results.
  4. The team of editors will send the results of the assessment of the manuscript that has been examined by the jury, to the author.
  5. The author will revise the results of the manuscript assessment and sent to the editor team.
  6. If the revised appraisal result is major, the manuscript shall be sent to the jury for further assessment. If the revision is a minor result will be checked by the editor team and repaired. And if the result is received the manuscript will continue to the editing process and ready to be published for nomination.